Lycée Nicolas Brémontier Student's
Alizée Dechamps
Student of Manager Assistant
Anais de Watrigant
Student of International Business
Cameron Dal Maso
Student of International Business
Charlène Jaunet
Student of International Business
Dianka Richardson
Student of Manager Assistant
Émile Valette
Student of Manager Assistant
Eva Kadir
Student of International Trade
Lihadji Abdelwaris
Student of Manager Assistant
Oriane Puiroux
Student of International Trade
Gianny Cesco
Student of Manager assistant
Lena Saba
Student of International Trade
Amélie Metral
Student of International Trade
Clara Malmgren
Student of International Trade
Guilhem Caro
Student of Managment of smalls and medium entreprises
Lea Contenot
Student of Managment of smalls and medium entreprises
Mary Dubourg
Student of Managment of smalls and medium entreprises
Marine Olit
Student of Managment of smalls and medium entreprises
Dorian Decidour
Student of Managment of smalls and medium entreprises
Ludovic Lartigue
Student of Managment of smalls and medium entreprises